From Review or Discard at Will
Revision as of 02:46, 3 June 2017 by Jeffa (talk | contribs) (adding gazebo rover ... resources)
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Robot Operating System

At the time this page primarily exists to jog my memory of specific commands and resources as I drink from the initial fire hose of learning ROS. I'm staring my learning with debian 9 stretch on an HP tx2000 notebook with a full desktop install of ROS lunar. And a partial install on a BeagleBone Blue.

In the following lunar is an HP tx2000 notebook, bluemoon is the BBBlue.


shell commands

* jeffa@lunar:~$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://lunar:11311
* jeffa@lunar:~$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

* jeffa@lunar:~$ rosrun roscpp_tutorials listener
* jeffa@lunar:~$ rosrun roscpp_tutorials  talker
* jeffa@lunar:~$ roscd roscpp_tutorials


gazebo key_teleop rover

using keyboard to control the robot in gazebo.

jeffa@bluemoon:~$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://lunar:11311
jeffa@bluemoon:~$ rosrun key_teleop key_vel:=cmd_vel