
From Review or Discard at Will
Revision as of 09:11, 8 February 2012 by Jeffa (talk | contribs) (Added screen capture of gallery)
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MissieD is a performance hardware and software piece with Microsoft Kinect, wooden "Mystery Box" containing a Parallax propeller and servo whose purpose is to represent the concept of misdirection in magic or a feint in fencing utilizing software and hardware.

MissieD capture toggle switching
MissieD Kinect screen
MissieD Gallery

In the MissieD Kinect screen the upper left is the video stream from the Kinect. Lower left is a .jpg capture of the moment the Mystery Box toggle switch is being turned back off by the hand in the Mystery Box. Upper right the depth map and lower right a status logging window.And a screen capture of the image gallery created during a LA Startup Nights event at CoLoft in Santa Monica, Ca. ‎ {{#ev:youtube|W6nViLHnNd4}} This is a hand held movie capturing the Myster Box in action with the Kinect application, MissieD, and the author

Future enhancments

QR Codes

MissieD-QrCode.png Plan to add QR code in Gallery Display so folks can locate their picture. Possibly upload to a web site where they can view, tag and download the picture.

Photo Mosaic

Photo Mosaic on my Avatar from camera and cell phone


After a performance all the pictures would be used to create a photo mosaic of the performance logo or title.

Sample from LA .Net Hackathon 2011

MissieD Kinect screen

MissieD Kinect screen

I have these included to give a visual idea of what I'm trying to accomplish. Ideally the performance logo would be more of a square with some color. There would be many more input tiles to work with. There were < 100 in this on and 95% of them were of me working on the project.

I used AndreaMosaic to create these mock ups. I hope to create the photo mosaic from the application in the future.